The Student Parliment is a vital part of the student experience, providing students with a platform to voice their concerns, make decisions, and implement positive change.

Student Parliament meets once per semester to discuss issues that are important to students, such as academic matters, student services, and campus life

Why is the Student Parliament important?

Student Parliament is important because it gives students a voice in the decisions that affect their education and their campus experience. Parliament is a powerful tool for advocating for student interests and making positive change on campus.

How can I get involved in the Student Parliament?

There are a number of ways to get involved in the Student Parliament. You can:

  1. Become a StAAR:

    If you are passionate about representing student interests, you become a StAAR as a course rep or club/society officer. All StAARs are automatically members of the Student Parliament. StAAR recruitment occurs at the start of your academic year and other times during the academic year.

  2. Attend Student Parliament meetings:

    Student Parliament meetings are open to all students. You can attend meetings to learn about the issues that are being discussed and to voice your opinion.

  3. Contact your Student Parliament representative:

    Your course rep or club/society officer is your Student Parliament representative who is responsible for representing your interests. You can contact your representative to learn more about the Student Parliament and to share your concerns.

Become a StAAR:

If you are passionate about representing student interests, you become a StAAR as a course rep or club/society officer. All StAARs are automatically members of the Student Parliament. StAAR recruitment occurs at the start of your academic year and other times during the academic year.

Attend Student Parliament meetings:

Student Parliament meetings are open to all students. You can attend meetings to learn about the issues that are being discussed and to voice your opinion.

Contact your Student Parliament representative:

Your course rep or club/society officer is your Student Parliament representative who is responsible for representing your interests. You can contact your representative to learn more about the Student Parliament and to share your concerns.